A wellbeing collective.

Luminate Psychology is a pioneering wellbeing collective dedicated to enhancing workplace wellness through specialised programs and workshops, emphasising authenticity and accessibility.


Addressing the critical issue of increasing stress, anxiety, depression and related challenges within the Australian workforce, we offer direct access to mental health benefits and psychoeducational resources tailored for organisational needs.

Our workshops aim to improve cognitive functioning, mental health, and workplace culture by teaching principles and practices that foster wellbeing, accompanied by experiential components for a firsthand experience of their benefits. Partnering with us not only cultivates a healthy, productive workplace environment but also significantly boosts job satisfaction, performance, and overall productivity.


This innovative app offers a holistic suite of features including guided meditations, a wide range of audio courses covering various aspects of psychoeducation and wellbeing, soothing guided sleep stories, and a positivity journal to encourage reflective practices.

Additionally, Luminate+ enriches its users’ experience with daily uplifting and inspiring quotes, as well as carefully curated sound frequencies aimed at enhancing different brain states. Through these meticulously designed components, Luminate+ supports users in navigating the complexities of mental health, fostering a culture of positivity, and enhancing overall wellbeing in the workplace.

Some of our current partners

Guided Meditations

We offer both live and on-demand guided meditations, led by an experienced psychologist and mindfulness-based group facilitator. Our guided meditations enable greater accessibility to a consistent meditation practice and enhance motivation to engage, unlocking your capacity for growth and wellbeing.


Immerse yourself in mindfulness activities and updates, delivered directly to your inbox.

Get in touch

Delve deeper into the programs available to you. We’re here to help with any enquiries you may have.