
Workplace Wellbeing Workshops

Our workshops offer comprehensive psychoeducation on a range of mental health topics and address key psychosocial issues relevant to workplace wellbeing. Designed to be interactive, engaging, and enriching for every participant, our workshops foster a supportive and dynamic learning environment. At Luminate Psychology, we view ourselves as partners in your wellbeing journey, working collaboratively to co-create initiatives tailored to the unique needs of each organisation we serve.

Why does mental health matter in the workplace?

It's estimated that 45% of Australians will experience a mental health condition in their life, most commonly anxiety and depression

Less than half of Australians will seek help

For every dollar spent on effective workplace wellbeing actions, there is $2.30 ROI

1 in 5 Australian employees say mentally healthy workplace is an important consideration when looking for a job

Australian workers believe that workplaces should be doing more to support mental health in the workplace

Australian workers are currently facing a mental health condition

Source: National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results, 2007. (2007). Retrieved 13 July 2022, from

5 Core Workshops

Mastering Stress and Avoiding Burnout

In this comprehensive workshop, participants will explore a holistic approach to mastering stress and avoiding burnout. Integrating cutting-edge neuroscience, behavioural techniques, cognitive strategies, mindfulness practices, and the concept of the window of tolerance, this session offers practical tools for sustainable well-being. Participants will gain insights into the science of stress, learn immediate relief techniques, discover practical strategies for prevention, including burnout prevention, and develop personalised stress management plans. With a focus on understanding one’s level of distress and tolerance, participants will leave empowered to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace.

Building Emotional Intelligence

This one-hour workshop is designed to empower employees with the essential skills and practices to develop emotional intelligence (EQ) for personal and professional growth. The session will begin with a psychoeducation component, providing an overview of EQ and its importance in various aspects of life. Participants will then delve into practical, evidence-based tips, tools, and techniques for developing EQ, drawing from neuroscience, cognitive, behavioural, somatic, and mindfulness-based strategies. Emphasis will be placed on expressing EQ through effective communication skills and personal well-being. The workshop will include interactive participation and a guided practice session to facilitate experiential learning and skill development, leaving participants feeling more educated and equipped to cultivate EQ in their daily lives.

Mindful Communication Skills

The mindful communication workshop offers participants a transformative journey toward more empathetic and effective interactions within the organisational setting. Through an exploration of mindfulness principles, participants delve into the intricacies of communication styles, learning to actively listen, empathise, and manage emotions skilfully. By integrating techniques such as Nonviolent Communication and conflict resolution strategies, attendees gain invaluable tools for fostering understanding and resolving disputes constructively. Through a combination of experiential exercises, reflective discussions, and practical application, participants emerge equipped with heightened awareness and a renewed commitment to cultivating mindful communication in their professional lives, ultimately fostering a culture of respect, collaboration, and mutual understanding within the organisation.

Enhanced Cognitive Functioning

In this workshop, participants will delve into the intricacies of cognitive functioning, exploring its importance in daily life and professional settings. Through engaging discussions and evidence-based insights, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the attention crisis and its implications on cognitive abilities. Practical tips and tools will be provided to enhance cognitive function, drawing from neuroscience, cognitive, behavioural, somatic, and mindfulness-based approaches. The session will culminate in a guided practice to reinforce the learning and empower participants to implement these strategies in their daily routines.

Getting Optimal Sleep

In this workshop, participants will explore the critical aspects of sleep hygiene and its profound impact on overall well-being. Through interactive discussions and evidence-based insights, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of common sleep challenges and practical strategies for improving sleep quality. Drawing from mindfulness-based approaches and scientific research, the session will delve into topics such as managing caffeine intake, transitioning mindfully from work to relaxation, and minimising screen exposure before bedtime.

Additional Workshops and Services


  • Psychological Safety
  • Embracing Neurodiversity
  • Building Organisational Resilience
  • Mindfulness Masterclass
  • Building Connected Teams
  • Psychology of Motivation and Performance
  • Mental Health Fitness Training
  • Crisis Response and De-escalation Techniques
  • Leadership Training
  • Vicarious Trauma
  • Positive Psychology and the Science of Happiness
  • R U OK Day
  • International Women’s Day
  • Men’s Health Week
  • Custom Built Sessions.

* Synopses provided upon request.

Why partner with Luminate Psychology for your workplace?

Extensive research shows that Australian workers are facing unprecedented levels of mental health challenges, including stress, sleep difficulties, anxiety, depression, burnout, and issues with focus and motivation. These problems significantly impact workplace culture, performance, staff retention, and overall productivity. Our evidence-based interventions are proven to effectively address these issues, enhancing wellbeing, performance, and productivity in the workplace. Partnering with Luminate Psychology creates a healthier, more productive work environment—a win-win for everyone.

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