

Obsession with Positivity and How it May be Harmful

April 6, 2024
The modern world is obsessed with positivity. From motivational quotes on Instagram to self-help books promising to change your life, we are constantly bombarded with…

Mindfulness of Thoughts – Watching the Watcher

March 10, 2024
The purpose of meditation is to cultivate mindfulness. When we meditate, we focus all our attention on something in the present moment. By doing this,…

What is Mindfulness?

June 13, 2023
Mindfulness is a practice that has been adapted from ancient Buddhist teachings and has been defined in psychological literature as nonjudgmental, present-centered awareness. The basic…

The Art of Falling Asleep

March 13, 2023
Often in my clinical practice I have been confronted with the question of how to fall asleep. I have had multiple clients, particularly in the…

Surrendering to What Is

February 11, 2023
So often we can get caught up in waiting for the ‘perfect conditions’ for a particular practice, like thinking it has to be silent for…

Experiencing Emotions as Body Sensations

January 5, 2023
What are emotions? Emotions are body sensations. What does anxiety feel like? Tight and constricted like I can't get a deep breath. What does sadness…

Bypassing the Fear Response – A Key to Human Evolution

December 21, 2022
These last couple of years have been strange and difficult times. There has been a huge increase in stress and fear expressed on all sides…


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